Happy New Year
Dear District 1 Brothers,
During the District Convention and in my opening message as District Governor, I made a promise to bring the District into the digital 21st century. I made a promise to increase communication and provide a means to assist all Chapters in evolving their own digital platforms. To achieve this, we made a significant move – we hired a skilled Webmaster & Digital Marketing Specialist from East Coast Digital Marketing, an Ahepan owned business.
This professional has already assisted our District 2 brothers in realizing this vision. He has done this via multiple methods. First, he has created an outstanding Newsletter. Our District 1 Newsletter is a valuable resource in connecting our members and chapters by communicating everything going on in the district. This can include church events, chapter events, committee meetings, notable achievements, member appreciation and recognition, and more. IF YOU ARE INVOLVED, WE WANT TO KNOW ABOUT IT AND SHARE! All Ahepa and DOP chapters in District 1 now have the opportunity to submit events to the Webmaster, free of charge, and as frequently as they wish. The District Lodge will continue its promotion of all events and newsletter items in its social media channels as well.
The next part involves the creation and hosting of a website for ANY District 1 Chapter. Your new chapter website will be a center for membership information, your own events, messages, and membership portal. Each chapter will be able to have member applications submitted directly on their website with online payment access for membership dues. Application information will immediately be forwarded to the District Lodge without requiring manual submission. Please be sure to provide the Webmaster with all of the information your chapter wants included in its website.
While this is just a step towards reaching our District’s goals for the year, it is an incredibly important achievement to promote communication and visibility within our District. As we have explained in the workshop, the District Convention, and every meeting I have attended thus far, our organization will fail if we do not evolve our digital presence.
Your District 1 Lodge is here to serve YOU. We are all in the service of promoting Hellenism together!
Dale Greenstein
District Governor
AHEPA District 1 Lodge
Email: dale.greenstein@mobilefixture.com
Phone: 251-379-9263
AHEPA Delta District 1 Scholarships
The District 1 AHEPA Family is proud to award scholarships to young Greek American students every year! It is an honor to be able to support the future of Greece and the Greek Diaspora.